Thanks for booking an online coaching session – it’s great to have you on board!
Please take a moment to watch the following introductory video, which lasts about 5 minutes and explains how it’s all going to work, and what to expect. Some of the discussion is assuming that you will come back for further coaching sessions, which is fairly normal. However, there’s no compulsion to go beyond this first one, you may well get absolutely everything you need from it!
OK, thanks for watching that. Now you know what I look and sound like. Hopefully it all made reasonable sense. So – whether we’re working together for just one session or a long term coaching relationship – we will ask that you respect the requests in the vid about an honest relationship and not sharing the information further without prior permission. Submitting your videos is taken to indicate acceptance of these terms (which hopefully you’ll agree are pretty reasonable and fair).
Submitting Your Videos
Now we can get started. What we need now is some video footage of you paddling. We need:
- Paddling left-to-right, with paddle on the side closest to the camera
- Paddling left-to-right, with paddle on side furthest from camera
- Paddling right-to-left, paddle closest side
- Paddling right-to-left, paddle far side
- Paddling directly towards the camera, a few strokes each side.
- A pic of you standing on the board, full height, with your paddle held upright with the blade tip touching the board in front of your feet, so we can see exactly how tall your paddle is in relation to you.
The left-to-right paddling (list items 1 & 2) can both be done in the same take, as can items 3 & 4. However, if you do this, try and ensure that you’re not too far from the camera or at too much of an angle on either section. All we need is to see a few good strokes on each side.
Even more importantly, we need to see you paddling normally. Don’t try and force it, don’t try and look cool or flash or do anything different to what you normally do. Don’t have any preconceptions about what you should be doing or what ‘proper’ paddling is like. Paddle without thinking about it. We need to see where your body is at (ie your muscle memory), not where your brain thinks it should be at because the camera is pointing at you! To achieve this, while you’re paddling, think about something else – count down backwards from 100 or recite the alphabet backwards, whatever works to take your mind of the paddling.
We are not looking for production values here. Just raw film. Please don’t annotate it or tweak it in any way. Send us the vid however works best for you, sharing via Dropbox, Google Drive, Wetransfer, whatever.
Email the details of where to find your vids and pix to
And then we can get stuck in…